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Profitez de la livraison gratuite* sur les commandes +49€💅

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Économisez €10 pour tout achat d’un Mini Kit de vernis + la poudre Le Pearl

SAVE €10 When You Buy 1 Gel Manicure Kit + Le Pearl Powder - Le Mini Macaron

SAVE €10 When You Buy 1 Gel Manicure Kit + Le Pearl Powder

Note: (Not visible on storefront)

  1. Do not change/remove the product options. Otherwise, new variants cannot be generated
  2. Do not remove duplicated products manually. Otherwise, you may corrupt the bundle
  3. Deleting or turning this bundle product to draft will stop the bundle from working.
  4. Each variant is a bundle built by a customer, this means that deleting variants will prevent that customer from checking out.

Please wait for a few seconds on the checkout page so the products can be loaded into your cart.

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